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  1. Wait until the bed is less than 30ºC
    • Wait until the bed is less than 30ºC

    • You can check the temperature by looking at the LCD screen

  2. The bed cover is magnetic and comes off very easily. Pull straight up until it comes away from the printer.
    • The bed cover is magnetic and comes off very easily. Pull straight up until it comes away from the printer.

  3. Flex the bed to release part from the bed surface
    • Flex the bed to release part from the bed surface

    • If the part sticks, use the scrapers to get between the bed surface and part.

    • Scrape AWAY from yourself

    • Make sure your hands are out of the way. Use a clamp!


You should have the bed back on the printer and a part removed.

Jacob Goldman

Member since: 01/28/2019

3,996 Reputation

9 Guides authored


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