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  1. Make sure the laser table is at its lowest position. If you don't know the basic functions of the laser, and therefore how to lower the bed, check out this guide. The rotary attachment is located on the front of the laser machine near the floor. Pick up the attachment and place it into the laser engraving bed as shown in the picture to the left.
    • Make sure the laser table is at its lowest position. If you don't know the basic functions of the laser, and therefore how to lower the bed, check out this guide.

    • The rotary attachment is located on the front of the laser machine near the floor. Pick up the attachment and place it into the laser engraving bed as shown in the picture to the left.

    • Now connect the device to the connecting cable on the inside of the machine.

    • If the machine was not already turned off, turn it off and on again. This is required for laser homing to begin and for the rotary attachment to turn to 0 degrees.

    • The next step is to prepare your graphic.

    • Acceptable File Types: PNG, JPEG, SVG, PDF, CDR, EPS, PRN, TIFF, GIF

    • For more help on preparing graphics to be laser engraved, use this guide

    • Open CorelDRAW on the computer found next to the laser engraver. Set up the canvas so that the height is the height of the work piece and the width to the circumference of the item being engraved. To measure circumference, measure the diameter at the point where you want to laser engrave your workpiece and multiply this by pi.

    • This canvas represents the surface of the bottle. Add your design to the canvas, making sure it stays in the borders or else the laser will flag a positioning error.

    • Once your design is completely finished, rotate everything 90 degrees. Ensure that the design will not be upside down on the piece. If this is the case, add or subtract 180 degrees from the rotation.

    • Now "print" your graphic by going to the print menu and selecting preferences. For help on which preferences to choose for your material, ask a facilitator or try following this guide

  2. Place the work piece on rotary attachment as shown in the picture to the left. Ensure it is level. Turn the knob on the front of the rotary attachment to adjust the angle of the work piece.
    • Place the work piece on rotary attachment as shown in the picture to the left. Ensure it is level. Turn the knob on the front of the rotary attachment to adjust the angle of the work piece.

    • If you want to engrave glasses or cups with handles, they must be placed so that the handle is not rotated into the engraving field.

    • Focus the laser.

    • On the laser control panel, push the red laser logo button to turn on the alignment laser (little red dot).

    • Align the laser. To ensure the laser is set up correctly, and that you are not going to ruin your work piece, follow the video to the left to create a vector rectangle around your work piece. Once it is created, leave the lid to the laser open and press go. This will indicate where the design is going to be engraved.

    • Once finished aligning your piece, don't forget to change the engraving preferences back to raster.

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garrett sherman

Member since: 07/15/2019

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